제목 2023년 추석맞이 선물키트 신청해볼까요?
작성자 성동센터 23-09-17 13:18 7,316
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성동외국인노동자센터에서에는 2023년 서울 사회복지공동모금회의 지원을 통해 


- 성동외국인노동자센터를 이용한 외국인(국적취득하신 분 포함)


- 한국에서 혼자 명절을 보내야 하는 외국인(우선 선발)


- 신청서를 "의미+재미"있게 적어줄 수 있는 외국인  


의 신청을 통해 ☆☆ ESG선물키트☆☆를 선발하여 드립니다. 



자세한 내용은 신청서를 통해 확인하여 주세요. 




https://forms.gle/kEFn4voSWZPt3Rps8  ☆☆ 





Announcement from Seongdong Global Migrant Center regarding Chuseok Present Sharing to 200 households with immigrant background.


* Application eligibility based on,

- Global immgrants who have been a member of our Seongdong Global Migrant  Center (possible to those who have already acquired Korean nationality)

- Single-person households that have to spend the holidays alone in Korea (priority)

- Unregistered household or

- Any household that requires additional help.


* Support items per household

- Daily necessities for environmental protection: toothpaste and bamboo toothbrush

- Food products from Korea Agricultural Support : rice and different types of grains

- Food for ecosystem protection: Urban beekeeping honey


- Those who have responded to the survey fully will be given priority for selection and support. (Please note that not everyone who applies will be selected)


- Survey period: September 17th - October 3rd, 2023


- Selection results : Individually notified within October


- Receiving of goods: After receiving the message, please visit our Seongdong Global Migrant Center to receive the supported goods.


*The above information can be changed depending on internal circumstances of the institution.

*If a family member is found to have applied multiple times for specific household, future use may be restricted.




이전글 (9/24) 무료 치과진료 안내
다음글 2023 추석 명절 나눔 '마음 한 스푼' (기부/후원)